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Can I change my account ID?We regret to inform you that your Account ID cannot be changed. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. However, we recommend that you keep your Account ID secure and use strong passwords to protect your account. If you have any concerns about the security of your account, please contact our customer support team for further assistance.
Can I share my account?No! Sharing account login details and allowing other players to access your account for any reason is a direct violation of the Terms of Use. Players should NEVER share, trade or sell their account login details, as this may lead to a "hacked" (infiltrated) account and/or account actions taken by for violations of the Terms of Use, possibly up to the permanent closure of the account.
Can I transfer my character to another account?It is not possible to transfer a character from one account to another. This means that if you want to play with a specific character on a different account, you will need to create a new character on that account and start over. It is important to note that sharing accounts or characters with others is generally prohibited by the game developers and may result in suspension or termination of your account. Make sure to familiarise yourself with the user agreement of the game you are playing to avoid any negative consequences.
Can I cancel my account?We regret to inform you that cancelling your account is not possible at this time. Please note that some services or subscriptions may have contractual obligations that require you to maintain the account for a certain period of time. If you have any concerns or questions regarding your account, please feel free to contact our customer support team who will be happy to assist you. Thank you for your understanding.
How do I create an account to play Clairmont Online?ℹ️Click on the REGISTER! button in the user login section on the home page at ℹ️ Complete the registration form on the next page. Then confirm that you have read the information text and click on the REGISTER button. 🎉OK! You can now log in to the game with your newly created account!
Forgot Account IDDon't worry! Send us a ticket by selecting the appropriate topic here. We will help you as soon as possible.
I have been banned.A ban is a disciplinary action taken by the Game Master when a player is found to have violated one or more rules set forth in the Terms of Service. It causes the player's account to be unable to log in to Clairmont Online. There are two types of bans: Temporary and Permanent. If you feel that the ban is unfair or incorrect, please contact us here.
Why was my account banned?When a user ID is found to be involved in hacking or fraud: These actions are considered a gross violation of the Terms of Use and once verified, hackers/fraudsters may be permanently removed from the services with or without prior warning or communication.
How can I use my Digital Currency Code (KC E-Pin) in my account?I. Login to the original website or game with the account you created. a-I) Website a-II) Click on the TL BALANCE UPLOAD section on your user panel. a-III) Then enter your code in the boxes on the screen that appears and click ACTIVATE. b-I) In-game b-II) Open the Power Up Store at the bottom left. b-III) On the screen that appears, click on Use Cash Pin. b-IV) Finally, enter your Cash Pin in the boxes on the screen and click OK.
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